We started walking along the Boulevard which has a good view of the Itaya River and the buildings constructed during the Rubber age. Here in the Amazon, we have many rich houses thanks to the Rubber boom, but we have to take care of the buildings. As they age, the homes become more valuable.
Jon and I had a pleasant walk through Belen Market. There are many plants and roots sold that are not grown here in the Amazon such as: potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, onions, garlic, ginger, etc. Anyways, you can find those things in Belen market because businesses and people need those things for cooking. These products come by boat from Lima or from the Andes. But Iquitos has this advantage - the Amazon provides many types of regional plants such as: sweet potatoes, wild potatoes, wild tomatoes, cilantro and wild cilantro, cocona (yellow citrus berry), and camu camu (red citrus berry). This berry contains more vitamin C than lemons. There are lots of impressive things to see, and its fun to walk around the market, but you need to be a little careful. Belen market is a huge place and pickpockets could be watching your every move. So it is better to go there with somebody you know and trust. We saw Amazon plants like green onions and, passion fruit, and then I showed him the kind of fish we have. We also saw the Millosoma Macropomun (or as we call it Gamitana), a really delicious fish that can be cooked in any way - smoked, grilled, fried, in soup...waooo.
Then we saw Amazon water snails and land snails, Jon was impressed to see that those things are also eaten here! There is a huge variety of meat on sale - alligator meat, many kinds of fish, including piranha, and also wild meat like white lipped peccary or as locals call it, Huangana, and the collared peccary or Sajino, two types of are wild pigs. We went to the Pasaje Paquito (Paquito’s passage) to see medicinal plants, medicinal roots, and animal skins of Anaconda snakes, Giant otters, jaguars, and many crafts. Belen also is the place to buy Mapacho, Amazon tobacco. We met a friend named Lito and headed to lower Belen to take a slow boat and spend some time on the Itaya River. Lower Belen has a market for live animals. We saw many animals for sale like sloths, parakeets, baby alligators, and small toucans. It’s sad that they are in cages rather than in their natural habitats. After that we took a Peque peque (small boat, named for the noise the motor makes) on the Itaya River to learn about how the people on the river banks live (very simply!).
There were a lot of boats which bring people from different villages close to Iquitos to sell their goods in Belen (things like bananas, charcoal, yucca or cassava). Sailing on the Itaya River, we could see the skyline of Iquitos and the few large buildings that we have in the hot city. We stopped in a port called El Huequito, then we took a motorcycle to go Nanay Port to have a lunch of grilled fish wrapped in Bijau leaf with some tacachos (mashed bananas fried in oil with pork and shaped like a tennis ball ), with cocona sauce, and a couple of beers. That’s Belen – it’s a good place to visit, there are many different things to see and taste! I hope you like this simple story about Belen market in Iquitos, Peru – the Amazon jungle.
The Gamitana fish smoked and wrapped on the Bijao leaf for more flavore, and Cocona spicy souse and Tacacho (mashed roasted bananas with oil pork, salt) Delicious....!!